Scouts offers members from as young as 6 the chance for fun and challenging activities, unique experiences, everyday adventure and the opportunity to help others so that we can all make a positive impact in the community and world around us!
For over 100 years Scouts has helped young people and adults reach their full potential by developing skills including teamwork, time management, leadership, initiative, planning, communication, self-motivation, cultural awareness and commitment.
Using the amazing skills developed within Scouting, Scouts has helped adults and young people benefit in their academic lives and unlock professional opportunities. Scouts around the world have even used their developed skills to lead aid teams in disasters, save lives and shape and change the world.
So whether it’s providing aid to refugees who have lost their homes, or guiding pilgrims during the blessed time of Hajj in Makkah, scouts have always put their skills into practice.
Worldwide Scouting Family
Scouts is the largest youth organisation in the world, with over 40 million members around the globe, offering opportunities to male and female members from all faiths, beliefs and backgrounds.
With the core values of scouting complimenting the values and beliefs of Muslims around the world, it’s no wonder that 70% of the membership is made up of Muslims – that’s a staggering 28 million Muslim scouts around the world.
This amazing worldwide involvement has gradually started to filter through into the UK, as we now see over 90 active Muslim scout groups across the nation making over 5,000 Muslim members.
In the UK there is over 575,000 adults and youth members involved in Scouting, with Muslim scouting in the UK growing at an unprecedented rate.