Please see below answers to common questions that many have regarding scouting in general as well as the Muslim Scouts Federation. If you have any further queries, please contact us.

To date over 70 Muslim Scout groups have been set up across the UK, from Dundee to Bournemouth. These groups cater for over 5000 young people and adults with a philosophy that has helped shape thousands of Scouters into productive, active and integral members of their societies. The success of Muslim Scouting can be attributed to the values of Scouts being interconnected to the principles of Islam. Contrary to recognised misconceptions, Scouting is not a Christian focussed, white, middle class organisation, but rather a system that embraces all religions, ethnicities and background. Unquestionably, the scouting values of integrity, respect, care, belief and cooperation are all harmonious to Islamic principles and are key characteristics we wish to see in young Muslims today.As an official part of The UK Scout Association you will have over 100 years of youth activity experience available to you - why reinvent the wheel when you can learn from and build on what is already there? Provide for your youth the activities they would not normally be able to have access to in an environment that is comfortable for parents.
6-8 years Beaver Scouts
8-10½ years Cub Scouts
10½-14 years Scouts
14-18 years Explorers
18-25 years Network